Its spooky season and if you love Halloween as much as we do here at Jump Fitness Dubai, then it’s the season to start getting your spook on! Many people decorate their front gardens to welcome the stream of trick or treaters on the 31st October, but this year why not take your decorations to the next level and dress up your back garden, including your trampoline?
We created this scary Spiders Lair look for our North Trampoline and below we have provided the instructions on how you can recreate the look this Halloween:
The Trampoline Spider’s Lair Instructions
What you need:
- Large pack of stretchable spider web: we bought ours from Daiso and Kibsons
- 1 package white & black pipe cleaners (we used both 15cm and 30cm): we bought ours from Daiso
- Scissors
- Giant spiders in two sizes: we bought our little ones from Kibsons and the big ones from Daiso
How to decorate your trampoline:
- Start by stretching the spider web between each of the trampoline sections. Make sure you spread the spider web out to ensure it looks authentic – just like a spider would spin its web!
- To make sure the web stays in place we used two methods:
- hook it onto the top and bottom of the poles
- thread your pipe cleaners through the net enclosure or around the length of the poles to create a hook to link the web to (make sure the pipe cleaner ends are hooked under, so no sharp edges are exposed)
- Repeat steps 1 & 2 until the whole of the trampoline exterior is covered in spider web
- Now its time to attach your spiders. For the big spiders we used the elastic loop that came with the spider to attach it to the pole, by wrapping it around the pole and back over the body. We attached the smaller spiders onto the trampoline using pipe cleaners around the body and legs and attaching them to the poles
- Your trampoline will look spooky at night but if you want to go for a scarier look at night then place a lamp in the centre of the trampoline so your spider’s lair will glow!
If you dress up your trampoline, tag us at jumpfitnessdubai so we can see your creations!