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What trampoline should I choose?


Like any good piece of performance gear, trampolines should be evaluated by the needs of the performer.  Before you make any purchase, you need to ask yourself several questions to assess which piece of equipment best suits your needs.

Here are the questions we think you should ask before buying a trampoline:

  • Who’s it for?

Choosing the right trampoline means getting the right fit for the person or people who are going to use it most. Jump Fitness Dubai stocks a range of North Trampolines so that everyone can find a model to suit their needs.

All North Trampoline springs are fully customisable to ensure you get ultimate bounce for your size, weight and ability. This allows you to grow with your trampoline as you adjust the springs to your needs.

  • How’s the quality and the bounce?

Trampolines have many benefits, but without a strong, lasting bounce you won’t get the enjoyment you want.  A trampoline should last a long time even in the harsh climate of the UAE.
Here are some of the considerations you should take before buying a trampoline:

  • Will it last? A trampoline that lasts for one season will disappoint and ultimately be a waste of money and is not environmentally friendly. North Trampolines are built to last, using high-quality products and components, with the ultimate aim to reduce wear and tear and contribute to a more sustainable future.
  • How is the trampoline built? No other trampoline comes close to the build quality of a North Trampoline. Designed in Sweden to resist the harshest of climates, these trampolines have been built to last and come with generous warranties
  • The highest performance of all: North Trampolines offer a world-class bounce experience that takes your jumping to the next level, whether you are a beginner or a more advanced bouncer.
  • Are the springs good quality: not all trampoline springs are created equal, North Trampoline springs are high quality that offer outstanding performance?
  • Will it look good in your garden? We love the sleek black look of the North Trampolines. 
  • Is it safe?

Safety is extremely important to us here at Jump Fitness.  A safely built trampoline vastly reduces the potential for injuries when bouncing.

So what makes a North Trampoline extra safe?

The safety net also referred to as a trampoline safety enclosure is a trampoline accessory that greatly reduces the chance of fall off and frame impact injuries. Unless you are an extremely experienced bouncer a good quality net an essential part of your trampoline.   The North Trampoline safety net is a patented (pend.) high-tension net with a unique patented fixation system and a safety belt that directs the jumper safely back onto the jump mat and away from dangers. As an extra bonus safety feature all North Trampolines feature zero-gap safety zippers that completely attach the net to the trampoline pad which avoids arms and legs getting outside the net.

Frame; all North Trampolines frames are anti-rust coated and have extra heavy-duty frames that increase stability and bounce control.

Frame pad; North Trampolines have a 30mm thick frame pad to protect bouncers from the springs. They are UV protected which helps protect deterioration from the UAE sun.  Spring protection zippers attach the safety mat to the springs meaning and extra level of safety is provided because it ensures zero contact with the springs.

Entry and Exit: North Trampolines have a self-closing entry which means the net is always closed. No more accidentally leaving the enclosure open which vastly reduces the chances of falling off the trampoline.

  • How easy is it to set up?

If you have ever had to set up a trampoline you will know that it can be a long job. Jump Fitness Dubai offers full assembly on new purchases, but in the future, you might find yourself having to take the trampoline down and re-assemble it, whether its because you move house or because you want to protect your trampoline from the scorching summer heat. The great news is that North Trampolines offers a super-fast “zero-bolt” assembly, that requires no tools. Your trampoline will be set up or taken down in record time!

  • Will it last?

Trampolines should be thought of like any good piece of athletic equipment. Treat it well and It’ll return the long-term value you desire. Here’s how to evaluate if it can last.

Are warranties offered? North Trampolines offer exceptional warranties, from two to ten years, depending on the part. More information on the warranties for each product can be found on the website.

While there is no guarantee on how long a product lasts, as every trampoline is used in its own way, but North Trampolines have the Scandinavian heritage of safety, quality, innovation and design which resulted in customers happily bouncing on trampolines they have had for years.

  • What size and shape do I need?

Finding the suitable size trampoline for your needs now and beyond takes some planning. Whilst the good news is that North Trampolines have customisable springs that allow for the trampoline to grow with the jumper, the truth is that if you buy too small you might be left wanting more quickly. On the flip side (yes that’s a trampoline joke!), buy too big and the trampoline will become the main feature of your back garden.

The Main Questions to ask yourself are:

What type of jumps you will be doing?:  the bigger the ambition, the bigger the area you need for jumps. Starting out most families with younger children should consider a simple round option, whereas more advanced flippers might want to progress to an oval or rectangular option immediately.

Where are you planning to put the trampoline? Often people who live in UAE move house often, buying a trampoline that will move with you is important, that’s why we love the North Explorer Oval and Rectangular trampolines.   Its shape means it fits in the narrowest of gardens and can be slotted into a side return.  Whereas a round trampoline can look great in the corner of your garden.

Children grow up fast. In the blink of an eye their needs will change and they will be trying gravity-defying jumps (that might just make your heart stop!).  Therefore, we recommend you think about getting a size your family enjoy now but also can grow into.

We hope we have helped you get closer to deciding what trampoline best suits your family. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to Whatsapp us or call us on +971 (0) 585918776 or email us at [email protected].

More information can be found at

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